Meatworkers’ Union Condemns Live Export Trade as “Unfixable” Following Vietnam Horrors
A.M.I.E.U. – 20 MAY 2015

Speaking today on the latest live export scandal in Vietnam, Matt Journeaux said:

“We were all told that the introduction of the Export Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) was going to fix perpetual abuse of Australian livestock exported overseas. The situation in Vietnam is but one in a long line of scandals. The live export trade has proven itself as unfixable.

ESCAS is simply used to politically manage these constant scandals. A complaint is made, it takes over three months to investigate what is plainly obvious and by then live export interests are hoping the heat has come off – until the next revelation.

Australian meat processors are the best in the world and are heavily regulated to ensure animal welfare. They are governed by mandatory animal welfare laws and all animals must be pre-stunned prior to slaughter.

It beggars belief that a country with such stringent animal welfare laws could turn a blind eye to the issue once Australian livestock leave our shores.

Both Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce have unreservedly supported the live export trade.

I call on them both to explain themselves.

Senator Joyce should stop worrying about Johnny Depp’s dogs and start getting real and deal with the genuine concerns of every Australian.