Over many years of negotiating enterprise agreements, some companies have used payroll deductions as a threat and leverage in enterprise bargaining.

Most recently, due to the Union’s refusal to agree to a sub-standard enterprise agreement at Teys/Cargill Beenleigh and the Union opposing the approval of that agreement in the Fair Work Commission, Teys/Cargill gave the Union notice that it would cease providing weekly payroll deductions for Union members.

The desired effect, no doubt, is that Union membership at their sites will drop as a result, leaving it open for this multinational union buster to really drive home an agenda of increased workloads and lower wages at all of its sites.

It’s now up to members to send a strong message; members must declare their non-reliance on the company to deduct their union fees by converting to direct debit facilities.

All existing members on Teys/Cargill sites have been addressed by Union officials who have explained the details of how the direct debit system works.

All members are urged to send the clearest message, not just at Teys/Cargill but at all sites in Queensland, that these union busting antics don’t intimidate anyone. And if they want to press an agenda of de-unionising their workforce and attacking working conditions, it won’t be without a fight from strongly unionised workers.