The Importance of Voting YES for the PABO

Protected Action Ballot Order (PABO)

Protected action ballots are secret ballots that allow employees to decide whether or not to initiate protected industrial action.

Recent Developments

On Sunday, Jun 2nd, 2024, the AMIEU held a general meeting with JBS Rockhampton members and workers to discuss the ongoing Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) negotiations and consider further actions.

Unanimous Decision for Protected Action Ballot Order (PABO)

During the meeting, all attendees unanimously decided to proceed with a Protected Action Ballot (PABO). This significant step allows us to collectively advocate for fair terms in our EBA negotiations. We aim for an agreement with a three-year duration and a pay increase of 5% for the first year and 4% thereafter.

PABO Information Details

Voting Method: The PAB will be conducted via postal vote. Ballot papers have already been sent to members’ registered postal addresses. It is crucial that members vote YES for all options and return their ballots as soon as possible. The voting period closes on August 6, 2024.

Eligibility: Only AMIEU members are eligible to vote.

Why Voting YES for the PABO is Essential

Voting YES for the PABO is critical in supporting our fight for a fair pay increase and better working conditions. In these times of rising living costs, a strong collective stance is necessary to ensure our demands are met.

Comparing Proposals

AMIEU Proposal: We propose an hourly rate increase of 5% for the first year and 4% thereafter over a three-year agreement.

JBS Rockhampton Proposal: JBS has offered an hourly rate increase of 3.5% for the first year and 3% thereafter over a three-year agreement.

Action Steps

Vote YES: Ensure you vote YES to all options on the PABO ballot paper you have received in the mail.

Return Your Ballot: Return your completed ballot as soon as possible, but no later than August 6, 2024.

Your vote is crucial in this process. By voting YES for the PABO, you are taking a stand for fair pay and better working conditions. Let’s work together to secure a better future for all JBS Rockhampton workers.

Thank you for your continued support and solidarity.


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact your AMIEU representative.

AMIEU proposal / hourly rate increase.

JBS Rockhampton proposal / hourly rate increase.