Category Union News


Election Notice: Nominations are called for: Lodging NominationsNominations open on 15/10/2024 and must reach the Returning Officer, Benjamin Murray not later than 12:00 Noon Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) on 29/10/2024. Nomination Form:

Union Dues Increase

Please be advised that as of 1 July 2015 the AMIEU Queensland Branch will be increasing its membership dues by the CPI for the city of Brisbane (1.3%).  This increase is in line with the resolution passed at the 2004… Continue Reading →

Direct Debit Payment of Union Dues

Times have changed and one of the big changes is the advancement of technology in every aspect of our lives as well as the ever changing politics that govern us. Here at the AMIEU we are embracing these changes and… Continue Reading →

Right of Entry

One of the last acts of the Federal Labor government was a change to the Right of Entry legislation, where, if the Union and the Employer could not agree on a place to hold meetings, then the lunchroom would become… Continue Reading →

Mobile office/Recruitment van

The election of the Abbott Government has given some employers an incentive to make it very difficult for Union officials to gain entry to the dining room to speak to members.  As a consequence, the Union has had to look… Continue Reading →

Direct debit: a declaration of independence

Over many years of negotiating enterprise agreements, some companies have used payroll deductions as a threat and leverage in enterprise bargaining. Most recently, due to the Union’s refusal to agree to a sub-standard enterprise agreement at Teys/Cargill Beenleigh and the… Continue Reading →

Awards are the safety net

If an Enterprise Agreement is not in place in your workplace, chances are you are working to award rates.  There are a few exceptions to being an award-covered employee.  For instance, earning over the high-income threshold (approx. $130,000 PA). Sadly… Continue Reading →

Notice to members of the AMIUEQB

Notice to members of the Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees (Queensland Branch) Members of the above State registered Union are given notice that the Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees (Queensland Branch) intends to apply under s.580 of the… Continue Reading →

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