Category Info

AMIEU discovers widespread underpayments

At a leading smallgoods factory, the Union discovered widespread underpayments and members were being paid less than the classification rate to which they were working. After meeting with the company at FWC on several occasions the Union argued successfully and… Continue Reading →

Retail butchers get collective back pay of almost $30,000!

Recently a group of members in an independent supermarket butcher shop contacted the AMIEU with concerns over wage rates and unpaid superannuation (a common issue among our retail butchery members). It was quickly identified that the employer, over a 1-year… Continue Reading →

Member reinstated after injury

Recently one of our members was stood down indefinitely by a Company’s “Soft Tissue Practitioner” even after he had obtained a full clearance from his own doctor. The Union applied to FWC for a decision. The Commissioner ordered an independent… Continue Reading →

Injured member “persuaded” by company to resign

A member who injured themself while at work was persuaded by the company to resign. The member, then unhappy with the way in which they were treated, contacted the Union. The Union and the company met which resulted with the… Continue Reading →

AMIEU helps over a hundred members win a six figure backpay claim!

Earlier this year the AMIEU uncovered a plant that had contracted a Labour Hire firm in which widespread underpayments was occurring for Korean backpacker workers. These young workers were paid rates lower than the Award, no shift, weekend or overtime… Continue Reading →

Changes to WorkCover laws: what do they mean for you?

The Queensland Government has made major changes to workers’ compensation laws that will impact many injured AMIEU members and their families. For a long time, Queensland has had the best WorkCover scheme in Australia – WorkCover’s own Annual Report found… Continue Reading →

Carers leave granted to member to care for wife and newborn twins!

At one shed a member needed to take some extra time to care for his partner after she had had a particularly hard time giving birth to twins. He put in for a mixture of annual leave, carers leave and… Continue Reading →

Union stops company from paying members a lesser pay rate!

At a Brisbane smallgoods company, the company claimed that there were 55 members of the AMIEU who were being paid a higher rate of pay than that to which they were entitled. The company then gave notice to these members… Continue Reading →

False animal cruelty allegations

We had a member who was accused of extreme animal cruelty. Being innocent of this crime, the member was absolutely devastated that the company could accuse him of such a horrendous deed. This matter was taken to the Commission and… Continue Reading →

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