Category AMIEU Industries

The AMIEU in the Supermarket & Retail Butcher Sector

By joining the AMIEU you will become a part of a support network where our only objective is what’s best for our members. The AMIEU is not only there to give you representation during Enterprise Bargaining time, but sound advice… Continue Reading →

The AMIEU in the Smallgoods Industry

The AMIEU is proud to offer its members in the smallgoods industry a Union that is strong with a proud history of achieving better outcomes for its membership. Armed with experience, knowledge and an understanding of the industry our Organisers… Continue Reading →

The AMIEU in the White Meat Industry

Prior to the beginning of WWII there was no poultry industry in Australia. Demand was met primarily by household flocks. The poultry industry began in a humble way with small abattoirs set up on farms. Working conditions, hygiene and stock… Continue Reading →

The AMIEU in the Red Meat Processing Industry

After a rocky start the AMIEU was a state-wide Union by 1910, covering all sections of the industry. In the early 1900s the industry was harsh work in primitive conditions and it was only by standing united that better conditions… Continue Reading →

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