ACC Slaught & Bone EBA Update
The second bargaining meeting for the ACC Slaughtering and Boning Operations Agreement was held on Thursday 14th March.
By now the minutes from our first discussion with the Company on 19th February should have been posted onsite.
The major points to be taken from the Company’s position are that they intend on moving to engage a new mix of customers with a much wider mix of cattle processed.
The Company intend to process heavier cattle, similar to those in recent trials, including up to a weight of 460kgs, also moving to include Achilles hung carcasses and a move away from Yearling cattle.
To facilitate the new customers the Company intends to make substantial changes to the configuration of all areas of production.
ACC has entered into a contract with Woolworths which they intend to scale up to approximately 30% of the business, these cattle will weigh on average more than 270kgs.
The Company have indicated that they want to negotiate the Heavy Cattle Clause out of the current EBA.
With these concerns in mind the AMIEU has set about creating a Log of Claims compiled with information from members via the recent online and written surveys and also through feedback from your area delegates.
We presented the AMIEU claims on the 14th March. You can find a link to the Union’s claims below.
Please note that we have reserved our position to make additional claims subject to changes proposed by the Company and on further consultation with AMIEU members.
With this in mind please continue to provide feedback to myself or your area delegate on any issues of importance you would like considered.
AMIEU ACC Slaughtering and Boning EBA Log of Claims 2019
In Solidarity,
Jimmy Cottrell-Dormer
0417 192 600