Dear ACC Member, you are being asked to participate in a vote (Via SMS) on whether to accept ACC’s proposal to return to EBA bargaining.

If a majority of AMIEU members accept the Company’s proposal, EBA talks will recommence immediately, you will be paid a further lump sum payment (equal to the amount you received on 2nd March 2022) and the AMIEU will withdraw from ALL Industrial Action while bargaining takes place.

Should a majority of members reject the proposal, the indefinite ban on the performance of Overtime will come back into place from 12:01am, Thursday 10 March 2022 and the AMIEU will consult members further on what next steps you wish to take.

Please review copies of ACC’s proposals (below) before casting your vote.

To make your vote count on the issue simply respond to the text message the AMIEU sent you with either YES (to accept ACC’s offer); or, NO (if you wish to reject the offer).

Please note: You must respond directly to the AMIEU text message sent to you (any responses received from mobile numbers that are not in the AMIEU database and registered to your membership profile will be rejected). If you did not receive a text from the AMIEU please contact our admin team and update your details on (07) 3217 3766.

The vote will close at 3:00pm, Wednesday 9th March 2022 and the result provided to members (via SMS) shortly after.